HWPO Affiliate
About This Program
HWPO Training is SHOWING UP for affiliate gyms by providing the programming and coaching support needed to give their members the best experience. HWPO AFFILIATE has been thoughtfully designed by our coaching team and Michele Letendre to give HARD WORKING coaches the tools, resources, and expertise to deliver world-class training in a class setting.
Why Choose HWPO Affiliate?
Our programs aren't just workouts designed for individuals and adapted for class. With HWPO Affiliate, all programs are packaged to help your coaches with time management, technical cues and focuses, warm-ups, activations, etc. In addition to the daily class programs, we will provide a seasonal programming add-on designed to fill up your calendar with specialty offering and specific focuses.
- HWPO CLASS: 60 minute class
- HWPO SWEAT: 60 minute bootcamp style class
- HWPO FOCUS: 2-3x /Week Specialty programming that changes every 6-8 weeks
Sample Session
Daily Video
A. GENERAL (5min)
AMRAP 5:00:
30sec Bike/Row
8 Banded Squat Pull Throughs
4 Air Squats w/ wide stance
4 Air Squats w/ narrow stance
4 Air Squats w/ normal stance
Hip 90/90 + Raise
10 total raises
C1. SPECIFIC (10 min)
5 Tempo Back Squats, 4 sec descent
3 Jumping Back Squats / Air Squats
Ramp up back squat
Sets of 4, ascending to RPE 6/10
C2. SPECIFIC (6 min)
5 RDLs
5 RDL Muscle Cleans
5 Tall Power Cleans
5 Pause Power Cleans
Ramp up for workout in 3 sets
Every 2:30 for 5 sets:
6 Back Squats
Work way up to set of 6 reps, heavy for the day
Every 2:00 for 5 sets:
10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs
15/12 Calorie Row
RX+ 155/105 lbs
Poliquin Step-ups
3 x 8/8
Refund Policy
For any questions or concerns, please contact the HWPO Training Help Desk at contact@hwpotraining.com.