Maddox Method: Master
0.00 One Time
About The Program
Our Masters program is designed for those 35 and older who are looking to improve or maintain their longevity, focusing on GPP as well as strength. Other disciplines include gymnastics and gross conditioning. Key to longevity and avoiding injury is mobility and stability. We will also push participants to build endurance.
Masters Program Subscription Includes:
- Access to btwb
- Workouts designed for results
- Get stronger and improve longevity
Sample Session
Warm Up
AMRAP in 8 mins of:
5 Inch Worms
6 Scap Pulls
8 Kip Swings
10 Downdog + Cobras
12 Boot Strappers
For quality:
10 Ring Muscle-ups
50 Wall Balls
8 Ring Muscle-ups
40 Wall Balls
6 Ring Muscle-ups
30 Wall Balls
*or Pull-up/Dip or Tip-toe Pull-up/Tip-toe Dip
Olympic Lifting
Every 2 mins for 12 mins:
1 Snatch Pull
3 Snatches
Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5